The alphabet song, and finding inspiration in unlikely places.

When you are two years old, establishing patterns and connections is everything.  See words anywhere other than a book? Sing the alphabet song! Our little girl loves to sing and dance, and I must hear the alphabet song three or four times a day at the moment!

The funniest times are usually when she spots writing on food.  Obvious things like spaghetti hoops and alphabet potato bites, naturally.  But also some more surprising choices too.  Those sponge finger biscuits you use for classic trifles?  ‘Boudoir’ biscuits.  They got sung to the other day when she clocked the lettering.  Very sincerely and with great gusto, I might add.  It really made me smile.

And of course, any time her little brother is wearing any clothing with lettering across it, that inspires her to sing to him too.  Not that she needs much encouragement.  Our girly loves her baby brother utterly beyond anything we could have ever imagined.  She just wants to cuddle him, sing to him, and play with him all day long.  It makes my heart melt.

This photo was taken when he was just weeks old.  He couldn’t smile then, but now, at five months, he most definitely can. That smile just lights up the room.  And of course that makes his big sister want to dash over to share his joy and sing him a quick song.  In between important ‘tent’ building work and tea party organising for her ‘babies’, of course.

Smiles all round.



7 thoughts on “The alphabet song, and finding inspiration in unlikely places.

  1. Osyth

    Charming post, lovely picture of the thoughtful sleeping infant and lovely vignette of his big sister learning her ABCs. It’s wonderful to see you back – Happy Nappy New Year to you and your family 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jenny Post author

      Thank you Osyth. And a Happy New Year to you too! We had such a wonderful break in the UK. However, I didn’t write a single word the entire time we were there, so I’ll have to do a bumper round-up blog instead I think!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Osyth

        I find it impossible to write when I go back to England … catching up with family and friends takes all I have (in a good way) and I don’t have two tinies to care for as an excuse either!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. jenny Post author

          Well that makes me feel much better – thank you, Osyth for letting me know that I am at least in good company. You express it perfectly – it does take all I have, in a good way!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Alphabet: Side Street 2 | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  3. cynthiamvoss

    That’s so sweet! I love the photo, and the story about big sister’s enthusiasm for letters and singing. It’s fun to watch them learn and make connections, isn’t it? Nice interpretation of the theme!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jenny Post author

      Thank you, Cynthia. I’m so pleased you managed to check it out, despite the earlier technology glitches! You are right, watching them learn and grow and change is just amazing, and so much fun.

      Liked by 1 person


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