A little bit about the Riverbank…

So what brings me here, and what am I ‘about’? Well, if I’m honest, I’m not big on putting people in boxes.  We are not shoes! But here goes…

I’m a wife, a mum, a daughter, a sister, a friend.  I’m a nature nerd. Taking photos makes me much happier than being in them. Learning about different cultures and customs makes my brain buzz. Being a mum makes me smile, without fail. Every single day.

I’ve felt for a while that I wanted to write more, photograph more. So I’ve taken the plunge and started this blog. A means to galvanise myself into action. Typing my thoughts. Putting them out there.  It feels pretty big and scary!  But actually also surprisingly fun, and fulfilling.  It is making me grow, creatively and personally, in directions I hadn’t expected. And I am grateful for that.

Ultimately for me, life is all about the who, what and why.  Readsbyredriverbanks is about a mix of things that are important to me.  It gives me the space to put words to my photographs.  To write about the things that make me think.  Or cry. Or smile.

My love of writing (and reading!), combined with an interpretation of my married name, is the reason behind the blog title…in case you wondered!

Always happy to meet new people; near or far.  Come on in and say hello.  I’d love to hear about you and your thoughts!

64 thoughts on “A little bit about the Riverbank…

      1. jennylratcliffe Post author

        Thank you Annette! And congratulations! As it was your lovely entry for the ‘extra, extra’ challenge that drew me in, it seems very fitting that there was the extra surprise of me being your 600th follower! 🙂 Hope to see you here again soon.


          1. jennylratcliffe Post author

            I’m living in Brunei. A tiny sultanate on the North of Borneo. But I photograph obsessively on every holiday we go on, so there are posts about all sorts of places on here! ‘A change is as good as a rest’ and all that!


              1. jennylratcliffe Post author

                Sometimes it seems very exotic, sometime it just feels very mundane and like home…which is equally nice. Bali (beyond the very crowded South) is one of my favourite places yet. Hope you do make it to Borneo some day, Annette – there are lots of beautiful places to see.


  1. colonialist

    You certainly don’t need to travel far to offer something ‘different’! When next you get to the jungle parts, say ‘Hi’ to Tarzan for me! 🙂


  2. vothikhanhhoa

    It’s good to have more people expressing their thoughts. I love to know the way people think, feel and write. How can we live without others in this lonely world. We read our minds and through that our hearts are closer ❤ Love to read this blog


  3. Aanchal

    Hi Jenny

    Thank you very much for your visit to my blog, following it and actually taking out time to ready through many of my posts. I hope you will visit my world soon 🙂

    I loved your about me, you are inspiring- performing those many roles might not be easy actually, but you are enjoying it, that is greatest feeling.

    I will be browsing through your posts soon today 🙂



    1. jennylratcliffe Post author

      What a lovely thing to say Aanchal, thank you.
      I loved your blog – you have some great travel tales there and some really beautiful shots. I’ll be visiting again! Likewise, you are welcome here anytime.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. jennylratcliffe Post author

      Thank you Amy. A lot of the time at the moment it seems to be all about one ‘who’ – my little girl – but that is fine too! More than fine in fact. It is nice when I also get to think about the bigger wider world though!


  4. CadyLuck Leedy

    Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my blog! If you have any suggestions, requests or travel questions just let me know! I’m on my way over to your blog to see what you are up to! CadyLuckLeedy


    1. jennylratcliffe Post author

      Oh, it’s my pleasure CadyLuck Lady – your blog was a treasure trove! I had to go back for more and to follow you. I don’t think you need any suggestions – you’ve got it covered!


  5. Pingback: Thanks, Jenny !!! | Book Search Journey

  6. Just Another Nature Enthusiast

    Hello Jenny-
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and giving it a follow. I’m delighted to meet you and hope you will enjoy my wanderings about in nature-related thoughts and photos.

    I enjoyed reading your “about” and was particularly drawn to this part:
    “Ultimately for me, life is all about the who, what and why. Readsbyredriverbanks is about a mix of things that are important to me. It gives me the space to put words to my photographs. To write about the things that make me think. Or cry. Or smile.”
    I appreciate your focus and reflection ❤


    1. jenny Post author

      HI Jane,
      I am (not so secretly!) a nature geek, so I’m sure I will very much enjoy your blog. I’m really glad you enjoyed what you found here too – you are always welcome to visit again! 🙂


  7. Cheryl Jackson

    Hi Jenny,

    I hope you don’t mind me contacting you out of the blue. I am a television producer working for major independent production company Optomen Television in London. We are currently producing a new documentary series for Channel 4 in the UK about people who have quit the rat race and moved to live in remote locations the world. It will be an inspirational series following the incredible stories of ordinary people who are living a unique way of life in some of the most beautiful and breath-taking places. The presenter, Kevin McCloud, best known for presenting the hit TV series ‘Grand Designs’ will visit people in their wildness homes and get to experience first-hand the wonder of life in these stunning locations.

    Our research team in London is currently looking for suitable stories to feature in the series and we’re keen to contact people who may be interested in taking part.

    I thought I would contact you so see if you could be interested? Perhaps you can contact me via email if you would like to know more. You can reach me on cheryl.jackson@optomen.com

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Many Thanks and Kind Regards,
    Cheryl Jackson


  8. Indah Susanti

    Hi Jenny, wow, living in Brunei will make you closer to dive in Derawan, Kalimantan! Lucky you! I have been wanting to dive there, just waiting for the right time..Have you ever dived there?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jenny Post author

      I’ve not dived in Derawan but I have friends who have and they were blown away! You’d think that being on the same island would make it easy to access, but actually, because that bit is technically a separate country, it is more of a logistical hassle than you might expect. One day….race you…. ;o)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indah Susanti

        I understand, it’s bit frustrating on the logistic prep…that’s how I haven’t visited Derawan as well. Too complicated in my view and after traveling more than 14 hours from Europe…but I was managed to travel to Raja Ampat this year so I think I would love to give it a go to Derawan someday.
        I bet you will 😉 Now, I hope you will go there soon 😉

        Liked by 1 person


    1. jenny Post author

      What a lovely post, Imelda! Thank you so much for the kind words, and for sharing your enjoyment of my blog with your friends. I am truly touched. :o)


  10. Sherri

    Lovely to meet you Jenny (from my friend Imelda). As an expat mum too (I moved to California from England with my son in the 80s, raising my three children there for the next 17 years before returning to the UK) I understand all that comes with the territory! Love your blog, as a fellow nature lover and photographer (not professional I might add 😉 ) Wishing you all the very best on your beautiful journey – Sherri 🙂


    1. jenny Post author

      Thank you so much for coming to visit, Sherri, and liking what you saw; it’s always lovely to make new friends! :o) I’ll be popping by yours soon to visit you, too! :o)

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: My Writing Process | indahs: travel story & photography

    1. jenny Post author

      Indah, thank you! How very kind; I feel really honoured. I’ll definitely take up the challenge with this, although it may take me a bit longer than usual because of one thing and another. I loved reading your answers. They gave such an interesting insight into you as a writer and photographer. Thank you. Have a lovely weekend. :o)


    1. jenny Post author

      Thank you, that is very kind! And the same is entirely true of yours! :o) Look forward to hearing more of your adventures, and sharing mine with you!


  12. Dr Sze Wey Lee

    Hi there Jenny. Thanks for liking my blog! You must be the first person to blog from Brunei that I know of. And being originally from Malaysia, I know what it must be like trying to learn Malay.


    1. jenny Post author

      You are welcome; it’s a lovely blog! Malay is a very interesting language, but I’m not very good at learning it! Are you originally from East or West Malaysia? My teacher was pointing out differences in East/West/Bruneian Malaysian vocabulary – it all got a bit complicated at times!! I’ve gathered a few essential basics, but I just don’t get enough chance to immerse myself in it and practice. Still, I’m pleased I can at least speak and understand a little! :o)


      1. Dr Sze Wey Lee

        Originally from KL so yes there are differences. But I am fast losing some of the nuances. It is a bit like that. Use it or lose it, some would say!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. jenny Post author

          Ah, I’ve heard KL is a lovely city to visit, although I’ve only ever been through the airport there.

          You are so right. I spent my early childhood in Botswana, Africa, and apparently often sang and spoke in Afrikaans. It is all long gone, sadly.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. jenny Post author

      Wow Paula! Thank you so much. What an enormous compliment and a lovely surprise. I would be delighted to accept. Just give me a little while to catch up properly on your post and write my own in reply. Thanks again. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. jenny Post author

      Thank you so much, Osyth! You are most kind, I am very happy to accept. I am (at long last!) nearly there with the reply post and should have it out this week. Happy days! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. ady

    Hello Jenny 😀 Thanks for paying me a visit or else I wouldn’t have found your blog 🙂 I share the same passion of writing and photography with you,looking forward to seeing more from you 🙂


  14. pausesandclicks

    Thanks for stopping by pausesandclicks and for the follow! I love how our blogging world brings people together to learn and discover people in other parts of our world and makes it that much friendlier of a planet! Looking forward to discovering your particular corner through your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jenny Post author

      It’s amazing how small our big wide world can feel at times. Thank you for coming along on the ride with me, and letting me share yours – I’ll look forward to pausing and clicking with you! 🙂



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